Open Source ​
- PageKit - Modular and lightweight CMS built with Symfony components and Vue.js.
- - Compare npm packages and spot download trends.
- Koel - A personal music streaming server that works.
- Raven Reader - Simple RSS Reader made using atom electron and vue.js.
- Gokotta - A simple music player built by electron and vue.
- CoPilot - An admin portal based on AdminLTE with vue.js integration.
- Retrospectify - A simple tool for doing collaborative retrospectives in agile teams.
- jade-press - Cms based on mongodb, nodejs, koa, vue and more.
- astralapp - Organize Your GitHub Stars With Ease.
- EME - An Elegant Markdown Editor.
- Github-explorer - A spa which can help you check your github in a better way.
- Hotel - Start your dev servers from your browser and get local domains in seconds.
- Surfbird - A Twitter client written with modern web technologies.
- Approach0 - A math-aware search engine.
- Flox - Self Hosted Movie, Series and Anime Watch List.
- JavaScript Guessing Game - A game for identifying JavaScript tools and libraries.
- vue-ghpages-blog - A blog based on GitHub pages by Vue.js 2 + Webpack 2.
- Vuedo - Blog platform, built with Laravel and Vue.js.
- vue-music163 - A Vue.js project for music.
- Tomato5 - Real-time collaboration tool, it combines Pomodoro Technique with a team status share board.
- Web Learn - A service which provides simple access to thousands of video tutorials on web developing and programming.
- ExcelJSON - A tool to convert CSV, TSV to/from JSON.
- Materialize-blog - A material blog built with Laravel5.3 and Vue2.x.
- VueComponentGenerator - Generate vue single file component on browser
- SDR News - News for web designers and developers aggregated from multiple sources (Reddit, Hacker News and Prominent Blogs).
- PJ Blog - Open source blog built with Laravel and Vue.js.
- Lulumi-browser - Lulumi-browser is a light weight browser coded with Vue.js 2 and Electron.
- vue-wordpress-pwa
- OpenAPI 3 viewer - Browse and test a REST API described with the OpenAPI 3.0 Specification
- Stacer - Linux System Optimizer and Monitoring
- - An orientation guide for Linux beginners
- Buka - EBook Management
- Docute - A framework for writing documentation without build process
- nativescript-vue - A Vue.js implementation of the NativeScript renderer.
- piper - A drag-and-drop mobile website builder base on Vue.
- mmf-blog-vue2 - A blog based on Vue2(Vue-router, Vuex) and Webpack2.
- Media Manager - Web File Manager.
- dyu/bookmarks - A self-contained, self-hosted bookmarking app powered by leveldb, built with Vue2.1.x.
- JSON Schema Editor - An intuitive editor for JSON schema. Develop with Vue.js 2 and Firebase.
- npm-stats - npm package download statistics dashboard
- vue2-admin-lte - a project that converts AdminLTE to work with Vuejs (v2.x).
- Dockeron - A project built on Electron + Vue.js for Docker on desktop.
- Flamme - An open source Tinder desktop client built with electron and Vue.js for educational purposes
- Goldfish - A HashiCorp Vault UI built with VueJS, Golang, and Bulma CSS
- promptie - A framework written in Vue.js for creating command-line like interfaces in web browsers.
- Hare - Application boilerplate based on Vue.js 2.x, Koa 2.x, Element-UI and Nuxt.js
- Paper-Dashboard -Creative Tim Paper Dashboard made for Vue
- AdminLTE-VueJS2 - An open source project that implements VueJS (v2.x) on AdminLTE.
- Material Dashboard - Creative Tim Material Dashboard made for Vue
- Explore-Github - VueJS 2 Github Explorer Using API v3
- CoreUI Vue Admin Template - Open Source Admin Template powered by Vue.js
- ChuckNorris - Chuck Norris Jokes Generator built with VueJS +
- LeafPlayer - A simple and fast, privately hosted music streaming server.
- JSON Editor - A schema-aware JSON editor. Develop with Vue2.
- Voten - A Reddit-like platform built with Vue2 and Laravel.
- News Weaver - A web based RSS Reader/Aggregator made using VueJS and VuetifyJS
- Wake Up Billie Joe! - A web site countdown to October, based on Green Day's song Wake me up when September Ends. Created using Vue and Firebase.
- Astrum - A lightweight pattern library designed to be included with any web project.
- vue2-pwa-vision - A Face Detection Google Cloud Vision with Vue2 + Vuetify + Progressive Web App
- vue2-pwa-rekognition - A Face Detection Amazon Rekognition with Vue2 + Vuetify + Progressive Web App
- - meta search site for online ammo prices across Canada
- - A Vue.js single page application for basic task Management & messaging using ASP .NET Webapi 2 and SQL server
- Book-Trading-Club - Trade or loan books with other book readers in your area. Built using nodejs and vuejs2
- vuejs-extension-pack vscode - An extension packf or vscode with popular VS Code extensions for Vue.js development.
- Wiki.js - A modern, lightweight and powerful wiki app built on NodeJS, Git and Markdown
- vue-pwa-speech - A Speech to text With Google Cloud Speech on Vue2 + Vuetify + Progressive Web App
- vue-speech-streaming - A Performing Streaming Speech Recognition results in real time Speech To Text with Google Cloud Speech + on Progressive Web App
- My Animation List - A tool to easy get css animation code
- vue-input-streaming - A TextInput Streaming RealTime And Two Way Data Binding Broadcasting with Pusher
- TidyTab - A Chrome extension for tidying up those tabs.
- peregrine-cms - A Vue.js and Apache Sling based head-optional CMS
- concept-to-clinic - Lung cancer prediction project with Vue.js interface
- grid-awesome - Generate boilerplate css for grid layouts using the css display: grid; property.
- Light Bootstrap Dashboard - Creative Tim Light Bootstrap Dashboard made for Vue
- Hubaga - A free and lightweight WordPress eCommerce plugin for developers and other digital shops.
- vue-webpack-buefy - Vue.js starter with full-featured Webpack and Buefy
- Coypu - Text-editor-like weekly planner
- core-server - Highly scalable VueJs framework with an integrated API system, and multiple advanced features.
- discord-logo - A Vue.js animated discord logo generator based on SVGs. (Github Page)
- node-vue-template - A starter template for building complete application using Node.js (API) and Vue.js (SPA) with some included packages and configurations to help start the development quickly.
- vue-storefront - Vue.js Storefront - PWA for eCommerce. 100% offline, platform agnostic, headless, Magento2 supported.
- fd-vue - Vue.js client for an IoT framework
- wildfire - A drop-in replacement for other comment plug-ins.
- Ride Receipts - Simple automation desktop app to download and organize your tax invoices from Uber and Lyft.
- vue-chrome-extension-boilerplate - Boilerplate for Chrome extension using Vue.js and Webpack
- TimeMark - A Time manager which will can record your time and some more function will be developed.
- Laravel Enso - SPA Admin Panel built with Bulma, VueJS and Laravel, packing lots of features out of the box.
- Code Notes - A simple code snippet manager for developers built with Electron & Vue.js.
- Pomotroid - Simple, visually-pleasing and customizable Pomodoro timer.
- XMR Miner - Cryptocurrency (XMR) mining app, built with Vue.js and visualized with D3
- XMR Paper - Monero wallet generator, built with Vue.js
- JoyProxy - Chrome extension for handling proxy settings
- activity-automation - Manage daily activities and get reports on timely basis.
- jsettlers-web - Popular German board game to build hexes, settlements, cities, roads with earned resources
- Tamiat CMS - Tamiat is a front-end focused CMS, uses Vue.JS as the frontend and integrates with Firebase for the backend functionality.
- vuegg - vue GUI generator: Create mockups and code in one go! It leverages the creation of pages, components and styles with its visual editor. Generate all scaffolding code for your next vuejs project.
- Podlove Web Player - Podcast-optimized, HTML5-based audio player featuring chapters, transcripts and embedding.
- Leo Vue - Use the open source Leo outlining editor/IDE to create webapps with nested menus, with support for Vue components in content.
- Deezer-Vue - Deezer client built with Vue\Vuex
- - Online SFC editor for Vue
- V·oogle -, reVued
- Pomidorus - Pomodoro time tracker build using Vue and D3
- Hubble - Travel through GitHub Stars' history.
- Vuepress - Minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator
- Socialhome - A federated rich profile builder with social networking features
- GenVue - a hostable, web application that lets confidential users upload and share private files build on Vue.js, Vuetifyjs and NetCore WebAPI stack
- vue-array - Array object operation under Vue, Array object operation under Vue Use this package to manipulate the array. Vue can monitor the changes in the array
- Laqu-l - A complete App starter kit with Quasar Framework, GraphQL API backend with OAUTH 2.0 authentication, Firebase ready, multilanguage capability and more.
- Protovue - A prototyping component library that helps designers and developers quicky scaffold an abstracted app layout.
- Chattier - SPA social network built with Laravel 5.6, Vue.js 2, and Bulma (Buefy components + Bulmaswatch themes). Also uses JWT authentication.
- chrome-ribbon-reminder - A Chrome extension written using Vue and Async/Await. Uses a popup display and changes badge counts.
- Faviator - A simple easy favicon generator.
- Modular Genealogy - Genealogy / family tree management system using Laravel 5.7, Vue.js 2.5 and various components. Work in progress.
- Minimal Notes - Web app build with Vue.js
- Roast - An app built to help coffee enthusiasts find their next cup of coffee while learning about Laravel + Vue.js
- Stack Edit - In-browser Markdown editor
- Bael Blog Template - A static generated blog template that uses Netlify CMS for the backend and Netlify for hosting. Features a brutalist aesthetic, fuzzy search, serverless email signup, and more.
- Buefy Shop - Sample shop, open source, built with Nuxt, Stripe, Firebase, Bulma and Serverless Functions
- sysmon - A B/S mode system monitor for Linux. You can remotely watch the usage of your system resources via web browser everywhere
- eth-vue - A Truffle Box that provides everything you need to quickly build Ethereum dApps that have authentication features with Vue.js, including configuration for easy deployment to the Ropsten Network. It's also Gravatar-enabled
- Nippon-color - Inspired by nipponcolors dot com. This is a nippon-color PWA build with vue-cli 3
- Saleina CMS - A static site content management system built with Vue using git as a backend
- Vuido - A framework for creating native desktop applications. It can run on Windows, OS X and Linux, using native GUI components
- YouGet - YouTube Video/Audio/Subtitle Downloader + Cutter
- Vue Pug Stylus - Vue + Pug + Stylus boilerplate
- Crypto News - Allows you to convert cryptocurrencies, view latest news and exchange rates for each ICO – all the data from the world of cryptocurrencies in one place
- Epiboard - A new tab page extension with material design and useful features
- zhudyos/duic - Distributed configuration center
- Vuemmerce - Free e-commerce template built with Vue.js and Bulma framework
- Nucleus - Vue startup application template that uses ASP.NET Core API layered architecture at the back-end and JWT based authentication
- Carpoolear - The open source Vue.js front-end (mobile and Cordova app) for the Argentinian carpooling application: Carpoolear
- Statusfy - Statusfy is a Status Page System, easy to use and completely Open Source
- DynamoDb-GUI-Client - Cross-platform GUI client for DynamoDb
- RosterWebApp - Open source rostering web application which allows the rostering of employees/teams to work sessions and other features
- Vue E-Store Templet - An e-commerce templet build with vue/vuex/vue-router and bootstrap4.
- Twill - An open source CMS toolkit for Laravel that helps developers rapidly create a custom admin console that is intuitive, powerful and flexible.
- MATH_BOT - Learn math by programming a robot.
- Vue Crossword - A Vue.js based crossword puzzle builder and filler front-end application. Built with CodeSandbox.
- Vue Org Chart - Manage and publish your interactive organization chart (orgchart), free and no webserver required.
- Beep - Account Security Scanner built with Vue.js and Ionic 4
- Vue CRUD - Vue.js based REST-ful CRUD system. Vue CRUD allows you to easily create fast applications such as CMS or CRM.
- Vue HQ Admin Dashboard – A modern admin dashboard powered by Vue, Sass, Firestore, and Netlify.
- MToDo - Mini To Do Lists with simple auth built with Vue.js and JSON Server as data mock. Great as reference for anyone that finding reference about real world Vue.js
- FireX Proxy - FireX Proxy is the user's trusted Chrome and Firefox browser extension that allows you to unblock any website and browse the web privately and securely.
- VueSolitaire - Solitaire (spider,klondike) imlemented in Vue.js.
- Thermal - One stop to all Git repository.
- QMK Configurator - QMK Firmware Keyboard Configuration UI in Vue.js.
- Eplee - Sweet, simple ePub reader made with Vue.js and Electron.js
- vue-realworld-example-app - Exemplary fullstack clone
- Daily - Curated dev news delivered to your new tab
- Laravel File Manager - Powerful file manager for Laravel
- Vue Crypto Dashboard - Cryptocurrency Dashboard made with Vue.js
- ETCD Manager - A modern, efficient and free multi-platform ETCD GUI app based on Electron and VueJS.
- Idea Re-Vue - Social Ideation Platform to Create, Manage and Brainstorm Ideas in a fun, visual way. Built on the top of VueJS and Vuetify using Firebsae as a backend
- Vue Expenses - Expense tracking app made with Vue.js, Vuetify and ASP.NET Core
- Akaunting - A free and online accounting software for small businesses and freelancers based on Laravel and VueJS
- VueFront - CMS Agnostic PWA & SPA. Modernize your Wordpress websites in less than 5 min
- Mockup-server - Mockup-server is easily create server from local directory
- MQTTX - Cross-platform MQTT 5.0 desktop client built with Vue.js, Typescript and Electron
- Pychat - Self-hosted webrtc video chat (an alternative to Slack)
- - RSS News aggregator built with Vue.js, Ant Design of Vue (antdv) and NodeJS
- Rapido - Rapido is software to make a website. Rapido is fast, easy to use and respectful of your privacy
- miniPress - Yet another static site generator
- Zeithub - Open source time tracking, invoicing & expenses management for freelancers
- CodeceptJS UI - Cypress-liked UI for CodeceptJS end 2 end tests
- Vue Pivottable - Vue port of the jQuery-based PivotTable.js
- Vue Datamaps - Vue port of the javascript-based DataMaps
- - Create and share beautiful images of your notes and prose
- LeagueStats - Statistics website for players of the online game League of Legends
- Veniqa - An E-commerce solution with a shopping client and admin panel written in Vue
- tato music player - A mobile first, handwritten, responsive web app for music fans written in Vue and Vuetify
- Sheiley Shop - PWA to track personal purchases, No more paper and pencil to go to the supermarket Vue and Vuetify
- Afterman - Create beutiful docs in markdown and HTML from postman collection. Using Quasar Framework
- Greenpress Admin Panel - The Admin panel of Greenpress, a fully-operative open-source for creating blogs and content websites
- Greenpress Blog-Front - The frontend application service of Greenpress, a fully-operative open-source for creating blogs and content websites
- Movie Paradise - A responsive movie preview web app built by Vue and Vuetify
- Pathfinding Visualizer ThreeJS - A visualizer for pathfinding algorithms in 3D with maze generation and first-person view
- Agile Visitors - Application for registering employee entries with the possibility of generating reports, validating and storing users with minimal effort
- Pexelry - Application that leverages the Pexels API to enable you find beautifull photos and pictures
- karrot-frontend - Web application for organization of foodsaving groups worldwide
- Realtime quiz framework - A starter kit built with NodeJS, VueJS and Ably providing the scalable base networking framework to host a live quiz
- LogChimp - Open-source software to track your customer's feedback to build better products
- Trooveo - Search, listen to YouTube videos (audio only), no YouTube API
- Yacht - A Docker container management WebUI using Vuetify for a hassle free way of managing Docker containers and projects
- Antares SQL - Cross platform SQL client made to be simple and complete
- Bagisto - A free and open source Laravel eCommerce framework built for all to build and scale your business
- Samaya - Friendly personal dashboard on Chrome's new tab; featuring Nepali calendar, daily Nepali quotes & Nepali wallpapers
- Mythic table - A free and open source virtual table top for playing role-playing games
- GrandNode 2.0 - Open Source Cross Platform E-Commerce Solution based on .NET Core 5.0 and MongoDB / Azure CosmosDB / Amazon DocumentDB / VueJS
- Aimeos - Leading Laravel eCommerce framework to build ultra fast online shops, marketplaces and complex B2B applications scalable from 1 to 1,000,000,000+ items
- XIV ToDo - Dashboards, completion trackers, tailored weekly and daily checklists and tools for Final Fantasy XIV
- QuickTok - TikTok popular trends viewer
- Interface X - UI search & discovery components to rapidly build beautiful search experiences
- Context Note - A free open source note-taking Chrome extension: take you notes on the web with their context
- Balancer - A Decentralized finance app that runs on Ethereum
- Materio Free Vuetify VueJS Laravel Admin Template - Open source & easy-to-use Vuetify Vue.js Laravel admin template with elegant design & unique layout
- NuxTube - YouTube app for privacy, made with Nuxt.js
- Dashy - A self-hosted startpage, with an easy to use visual editor, status checking, themes, widgets and tons more
- NuxtBlog - Blog site made with firebase real-time database